Monday 3 October 2016

Acting Week 1 - Mini Project

This week as a way of us to get to know each other better and see each other act, Karen decided it might be a good idea to do a mini project where, in small groups of two or three and one monologue, we would do a scene from a show called "The Wardrobe".

Erin and myself did scene 12 and i played Friend 1, a young boy struggling to cope with being gay in the modern day after a lover had put a photo on Facebook of the two of them suggesting they were in a relationship. My character was struggling with this as his family had found out through social media and they were not very accepting.

I feel after this week we all bonded a lot quicker than if we had done normal lessons. This is because we got to know each other's skills sooner than usual and we worked closer together rather than in a large group.

I am really looking forward to the next year with my new group as I feel like we are all going to get along very well and work together well also.

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