Tuesday 29 November 2016

Voice work

Vocal warm up:

-  Facial exercise such as pretending to chew toffee, pumpkin and raisin face to warm up the face and muscles in the face.

-  1 minute of gentle humming to warm up the vocal chords

-  1 minute of humming into an "ah" sound

-  2 minute of vowel warm ups like "ah", "oh", "ee" sounds etc and mixing them with consonants like "da" "he" "boo" and so on. 

-  2 minutes of breathing to make sure you know how to control your breath when performing your monologue.

-  Do 4 or 5 different tongue twisters in order to make sure you're diction is good for your monologue.

-  I also like to sing a song or two just warm up my voice to a correct extent. Singing also helps control your breath and diction whilst performing.

1 comment:

  1. This is a satisfactory plan. Can you provide examples of specific tongue twisters you will use, identifying the targeted articulation or specific sound.
